Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas ~!~

Hi Hi Everyone, are we all in good spirit's today? OF COURSE!! Its christmas eve, who can be in a bad mood... hmm I can think of a few. ALL THE COWS AND STUFF WERE KILLING FOR CHRISTMAS FEASTS O.O. Unless your vegeterian and then good on you ~:P~

Okay so im posting today because I probably wont be able to post tommorow because I have TWO christmas parties to go to. One with my dad's side of the family and the other with my mummys. YAY!!! More pressies. So I just want to wish you all a safe and happy christmas and I hope you get all the presents you wanted (and if you dont THANK GOD FOR EBAY!!! :P). And while your sitting there eating big feasts (oh dont lie we all know hehehehe) take some time out to remember what christmas is really about. Family's gathering and the spirit of giving... and food and pressies!!!! YAY!!! Ha-ha i made a good joke the other day before school left out, MY BROTHER IS JESUS!! He was born on december 25th O.O Thats spooky. Ha-ha.

Luv Loreai Rose XOXO

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Hi Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted for ages but I've been busy writing and stuff ha-ha. Just joking I actually didn't have anything to talk about... and I was writing ha-ha. OMG she had nothing to talk about?! I know right thats weird for me, I usually just talk about anime or music when theres nothing else to talk about. Well today im very angry and Im going to tell you why in a second.

Okay so today I was randomy looking up Australia for some reason (Don't ask why =3) and I came across this forum... why people hate Australia. O.O someone hates Australia?! OMG WHY????? heres there reasons: the climate is horrible, its too dangerous, nursing is bad, supermarkets suck, their racist. Okay first things first the climate. OF COURSE ITS HOT AND DRY ITS FREAKING AUSTRALIA NOT ANTARCTICA. I live in brisbane so it doesen't really bother me its hot here in winter ha-ha. The dangerous part, everyone thinks their gonna die because of all the snakes and spiders. HMMMMM I've lived in brisbane for thirteen years and ive never even seen a snake and ive only ever seen daddy long legs for spiders. I know what your thinking she probably lives in the city or something actually i live in surburbia and my dad takes us to all kinds of hick towns way out in the bush on weekends and stuff so HA! I dont know about the other two but RACIST?! Come on Australia is the most multi-cultural place in the word. My best friend is half-asian and was born in New Zealand, how more multi-cultural can you get?

So Thats my thoughts for people who hate Australia. In my opinion its the best place in the world and I wouldn't want to live in any other country. My Parents are Australian, My Grandparents were Australian annndd my great grand-parents were English but that doesen't count =3.

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ghost Hunt

Hi Hi everyone. Today was super crazy... not. I woke up at 8am went back to sleep till 10am then got up did my chores, got dressed, and then started playing Perfect World Ha-ha. Lvl 21 Tideborn assassin aren't you proud of me? no not really, meanies O.O. Ha-ha just kidding your not mean... or are you?

Okays so today im going to be talking about another great one-of-a-kind anime im rewatching. Drumroll pleaseeeeee its called GHOST HUNT!!!!! YAY!!!! So as the title suggests its about this group of ghost hunters (Or if you want to be fancy "Paranormal Investigators") and this girl Mai who has to join them to pay off her debt after she accidentaly destroys one of their cameras. This series severley spooked me the first time especially episodes 18-21. Its great because its scary without being i-shit-my-pants scary so little scaredy cats like me can watch it ha-ha and there isnt any gore accept for an episode where Mai has a dream about finding a body in a bathtub full of blooodddd. Its just creeeeeppppyyyy on its own ha-ha. So if you love horror movies or just ghosties in general check this out. One of my favourite's anime's which is weird cus like my worst fear is ghosts ha-ha, I know its weird.

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO


Hi Hi everyone, how it hanging?... Or the much less disturbing one hows it going? Today I leveled up to lvl 17 on my new character on my game. Perfect World international <--- SUPER AWESOME. It took all day ha-ha thats why im posting so late. Yes I am a game nerd AND PROUD OF IT! Ha-ha not really O.O.

Okay so yesterday I searched up lots of comedy acts on youtube. Boy did that take a long time. But after a lot of thought (about a minute XD) i FINALLY picked the final three. Here they are: Purely funny for some random reason. His videos arent over the top like some comedy acts and it seems to me like he is a very deep thinker sometimes. On a side note I wouldn't watch them around your parents because there's a lot of PG-13 talk. P.S. SHANE IS TOTALLY HAWT AND HAS AWESOME HAIR. Purely homegrown videos that are really funny. The videos are really crappy quality (in a good way) that makes them all the more funier. Yes I know its fred but he is really funny sometimes ha-ha. His voice is annoying after a while but for the first 30 minutes its hilarious. I luv his eyes when he goes spastic ha-ha

So there you go those are the results. Please dont hate me if I missed some of the ones you like but I tried to check out all the ones people recommended before my interntet turned gay ha-ha. Anyways check them out if your in the mood for some laughs or just plain bored.

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hi Hi everyone. YAY! I'm finally making regular posts. Thank god for boredom. YAY today I got my hair cut, it was getting too hot for summer here. Long hair is not a good idea in Australia. So anyway go me! I was sitting in the hairdresser's (silent as usual) and I came up with this poem:
If you don't hurt
Then you haven't loved
If you haven't loved
Then your not alive.
I know its a very odd thing to come up with in a hairdresser but I was very proud of myself. Annddd then I realized that I totally stole half of it from Australia the movie O.O. Sorry Baz Luhrman, I didnt mean too!! Pwease dont kill me. WOW this is a very short post, im sorry i dont really feel like talking ha-ha. Im being Emo today, no it wont last and im not gonna kill myself ha-ha. Oh! tonight im going to go on youtube and look up lots of comedy acts like NigaHiga and stuff, sooo I will tell you the results tommorow. If you have any suggestions for my search leave a comment below and I'll check them out.

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

The Script

Hi Hi everyone, wow I really left it too the end to post this one ha-ha. BUT I STILL POSTED IT!! YAY I wont die tonight, then again that cat outside my window has been looking pretty evil lately. P.S I HATE CATS (their crreeeeppppyyy). If you made a horror movie with ghosts and cats in it I'd be shitting my pants (Scuse my language). Not that I'd ever go to see it >.<
Okay Okay I better get on with the post. So recently I've been going on a music hunt. For those who don't know me everytime I get bored I go on youtube and look up romance songs. Wellll my discovery is The Script. Just to start with THEY ARE FRIGGIN AWESOME!!! A. Their Irish which automaticaly gets points on my book (Lorelai has english,german and irish heritage) B. All their songs speak to me for some reason, wow I just sounded like a hippie. C. Just because. For all those people saying that their songs sound the same, if you actually listen they don't. You can't expect a band to have a completley different sound for each song, then they wouldn't have a signature sound. Sooo anyway check them out and the evil cat won't eat me. See thats a good reason right? Maybe not. Meanies
Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Monday, December 14, 2009


Hi Hi everyone. AHHH! im sorry I didn't post yesterday, pwease dont kill me! I have a good reason! Yesterday I finished my christmas shopping annnddd I went to see 9 YAY!! Tim Burton is awesome!! Okay so maybe its not a good reason buuttt it did give me something to talk about.

Okay so to start with 9 IS RATED M?! wtf is up with that? isn't it supposed to be a kids movie. Who would take like a five year old to see an m movie? I certainly wouldn't. It wasn't even scary compared to hmm lets say EVERY other M rated movie. Okay there was one scene that made me jump because the physco robot dog went away and then came back with crazy loud music. BUT THAT WAS UNEXPECTED! The story feels like it starts in the middle and the plot doesen't have much to it. Some of the characters feel like they were just thrown in to cause complication. With all its fault its still a good movie to kill a few hours and on the plus side I still have heaps of lollies left ha-ha. HOORAY FOR LEFTOVERS!
Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Vampire Knight

Hi Hi everyone, TA DA! Second post of the day. Wow you'd think i'd run out of things to talk about in a day, Lorelai's life isn't that exciting :(. Thats why I make it exciting by being RANDOM!!!!! YAY!!!!.

This post is about my favourite anime/manga in the entire world. Vampire Knight. Here's the blurb from mangafox: Yuuki's earliest memory is of a stormy night in winter, when she was attacked by a vampire... and then rescued by another (Kaname-senpai!). Now ten years later, Yuuki Cross, the adopted daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, has grown up and become guardian of the vampire race, protecting her saviour, Kaname (Hawwwttt), from discovery as he leads a group of vampirest at the elite boarding school. But also at her side is Zero Kiryu(*Warning Spolier Alert* Zero is a vampire too), a childhood friend who's hatred for the creatures that destroyed everything he held dear, is no determined never to trust them. The co-existing arrangement seems all well and good, but have the vampires truly renounced their murderous ways, or is there a darker truth behind their actions (heeheehee there is). Is Kaname's infatuation with Yuki the beginning of a forbidden romance, or is it something in her forgotten past that draws him to her? Because in a world of secrets, nothing is as it seems and the price of misplaced trust may be even worse than death...

So basically its PURE AWESOMENESS. But a warning if you dont like romance DONT WATCH IT. Sure there's action and lots (did I mention lots) of bishis (Bishis= Super hot anime guys). Even if it sounds stupid to you I can assure you the plot is really good and the characters have great emotional depth. If that doesen't encourage you DO IT FOR ME!! See you made me resort to that ha-ha.
Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Sorry and Christmas Carol

Hi Hi everyone. Im really sorry yesterday but it was a very busy day. First I slept in to 10 (Yay Me!) and then I had to go to a Christmas Carol concert and then I had to take my brother to a party in woop woop and then I had to go to a family christmas thing. But enough about me, to make up for my slackness (Naughty Lorelai) im going to post TWICE!! today. YAY!!

Okays so this post is about my Christmas Carol experience. Ahhh, the days past when on december 25th I would get up at like 6am (Very Very Early for me ha-ha) and sit outside my mums door with my brother until we heard her pull the curtains open, then we would rush in and scare the crap out of her ha-ha. All for the sake of chrismas presents of course ha-ha. Yesterday set me reminiscing about those times, which didn't take very long because im only thirteen. BUTTT you get my drift ha-ha. There were all my favourite Christmas Carol's and this guy with a beautiful voice annnddd the best part. PUNK SANTA GIRL!!. I wanted to steal her costume so much ha-ha.

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Twilight Saga

Hi Hi everyone, second day, second post. This is good, this means that the blog has potential if I haven't given up on it yet. Lorelai's mummy always says she's give's up too easy. WELLLL, I will prove her wrong this time. HOORAY FOR PERSEVERANCE!! Wow thats a big word, I guess school really does pay off ha-ha.

Anyways so in this post im going to be talking about Society's obsession with JACOB BLACK in the twilight saga. Okay so I went to see it with my friends and everyone screamed when Jacob (Taylor Lautner) takes off his shirt but nobody screams when Edward (Robert Pattinson) does. Well I say TRAITORS!! I mean when the first twilight film came out everyone was totally in love with Edward annddd everyone says Oh Edward is so mean to Bella. Ah Hem, HAVE YOU READ THE BOOKS?! JACOB IS TOTALLY MEAN TO HER. Now im Team Edward, always have, always will be but I like Jacob too sooo nobody hate me pllleeeasseee.

Bye Bye for now Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hello,Konnichiwa,Bonjour and any other way you can say hello

Hi Hi everyone, Wow my first post in my new blog. What should I talk about? hmmm tricky question. How about the law of physics? Was that the sound of every person on earth dieing of boredom? You've done it this time Lorelai, now there's no-one to read your blog. Smart one dummy. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

Oh I know what i'll talk about. What im going to talk about in future posts!!! YAY everyone's alive again (I hope XD). Okay so im going to be talking about anything under the sun like: Anime, Manga, Writing, Reading, Music, Whatever I see or hear about, The worlds obsession with celebrities (Ha gotta sneak that one in) or my story ideas. Sometimes it'll just be random things like my suicidal goldfish (R.I.P Flakey) and sometimes it'll be serious (Pshhh me serious? Not likely) like global warming... Nahhh im just joking ha-ha you thought I was for real, shame on you lol. But on my one and only serious note kid's remember don't take drugs, you turn into Britney Spears, and not the good Britney Spears. Ha-ha just joking I actually like some of her songs lol. Anyways welcome to your one-way pass into the weird and wacky place of my world (Or was it just my head, sometimes I get confused on that ha-ha).

Love Lorelai Rose XOXO <--- (Just Like Gossip Girl)