Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hey guys, how are you all? I am good, for once XD. So I know I haven't posted in like forever and that is why I'm posting now. I probably won't be posting very much from now on. And the reason for that is that I have alot of other stuff on my plate right now like my room is getting renovated, so I have to help my mum pick out furniture, and my writing is seriously lacking so I have to start working on my story otherwise Its gonna go bye bye, and I just need some time off to sort myself out. I've been feeling really depressed lately, unrational with these really wierd mood swings and im afraid im going to say something I don't mean and then that'll be the end of my social life so yea I'm going to take some time off from everything over the holidays and just chillax and stuff before school goes back. Also all this lovey-doveyness in the air is making me ill so yea hahahahaha high-five for emo children XD. Well that's about it, I hope I haven't let anyone down by this but I just really need some time away. Until next time my friends.

Love Lorelai Rose XOXO