Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Hazards Of Being Creative

Hi Hi everyone, how's it hanging? For anyone out there, cough katana cough, DONT THINK DIRTY!! about that statement. Hmm so how was my day, Uh I got up, got dressed, turned the air conditioning on and then watched my otome until my bro came home and busted me >o<. Guess whos in trouble for using up the internet? MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! So my post today is going to make me sound a little crazy. Aww who am I kidding im already crazy! HEHEHEHE. Cough well then cough this is going to make me sound crazier. So yesterday I spent the whole day writing and I actually dreamed about one of my characters (no it was not dirty XD) so when I woke up I was still thinking about him. There was nobody home and I usually play music or something when I make breakfast well today I started talking to my character, only to realize I was talking to myself >.>. So there you have it folks im the crazy, otaku, fan-girl who talks to imaginary vampires XD. Warning! DO NOT spend 12 hours straight writing, apparently it melts you're brain. Huh who would have guessed. HEHEHEHEHEHE COME BACK BRAIN I NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez and just when school was starting too >.>

On a side note im really HAPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Because my best friend Jessica is back so Im hanging out with her and I found this song I had been looking for for aggggeesss. Its called its only the fairytale by Yuko Miyamura (I think) and its really beautiful song. Its from the anime Mai Hime for anyone who didn't know its the song Allyssa sings. OMG I just looked and I've played it 25 times. OH NOES IM GOING CRAZY AGAIN!!!!!!!!! RUNNNNNN!!!!

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Epic Movies and The Word Awesome

Hi Hi guys. Wow I haven't posted in a long time. I'm so sorry about that XD. Well my life has been very boring lately, umm I've been writing my story heaps (on 70 pgs O.O) I went to see Old Dogs <--- Very funny!! hehehehe Oh I got my anime-hating friend to watch Vampire Knight!! AND SHE LOVES IT O.O If that not a good reason too watch VK then I dont know what is XD. But if you watch it and you like Zero im going to have to kill you. KANAME~SAMA 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im just a little bit on a sugar high hehehehehehehe.

Well this post is about people in really dramatic and epic movies that use the word awesome. Yes i know what it means but because of pop-culture its meaning was diminished. I mean when you see a religious nut who is killing people to become the pope compare somthing to being awesome it sounds funny right? Maybe its just me XD. So what brought this on you ask. Well I was watching Angels and Demons (I know im a freak haha) and that guy who wanted to be the Pope said awesome and I just started cracking up laughing. Yes its very weird, but perfect is boring after all XD. <--- thats my one of my mottos by the way hahaha.
Anyways I found this picture on google the other day and I just had to post it its so cute. Its the characters Lin Koujo (did I spell that right?) and Mai Taniyama from Ghost Hunt. For anyones whos actually seen that anime you must think im insane but you've got to admit LinXMai is pretty kawaii!! Who cares if Lin's like 30 and Mai's 16 hehehehehe Oh P.S. I HATE NARU!! Just saying hahahaha.
Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi Hi guys, how are we all doing today? I am very sore and sick, sad I know. WAAHHH!! So im sore cus I went to gym yesterday and nearly fainted, O.O super unfit. Naughty Lorelai! But thats one of my new years resolutions so lets hope I get there. DONT LAUGH XD.

Okay so today I made my very first amv, it a right of passage in anime land to make your own amv. Doesen't mater if their crap hehehehehe remind you of anyone? THATS RIGHT MEEEEEEEEE!!! You get a cookie for being so smart, here you go. Ah im back now XD. So anyways its about FMA or Full Metal Alchemist to the song Emo Kid by Adam and Andrew. I know odd choice in music butttt.. its the only song I could think of that actually worked on Windows Movie Maker. Oh yes me and Mr Movie Maker are enemies now. He wants to make my clips stuff up and not work but i have the ultimate control. POWER OF THE DELETE BUTTON!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! Take that Mr Movie Maker. But we got there in the end thats all that matters right?! Stop giving me idiot looks =3. Sorry I haven't been posting lately but Ive been really busy writing my story beacuse SOMEONE, yes Katana that accusing finger is pointing at you, wont leave me alone until I write it. Ah I dont know about these teenage girls and their strange addictions.

Check out my AMV: Go to youtube and look up Meowfox's channel. Look at Ed is an Emo Kid. Shouldn't be too hard to find its my only upload XD

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year

Hi Hi guys. Today is very weird because im in a serious mood,O.O OMG IS SHE SERIOUS!! I know its strange right? hehehehehe. Anyway so im in a serious mood because I woke up and thought its 2010?! And then I started about all the things thats would be changing this year. Thats what this post is all about.

Number 1: IM IN GRADE 9 WTF?? WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?! So that means, new classes, new friends (scary for the socially-challenged), new guys (hohoho not for me =D, you dirty minded peole :P) and the worst of all MATHSSSSSS!!!! <-- KILL,DESTORY!.
Number 2: Im going to be 14 this year and thats scary because im not a kid anymore, wahhhh thats not true I want my teddy bear!! or teddy elephant as I had, HA I BEAT YOU ALL!! I have to study this year and nine months after my birthday i have to get a JOB!! OMG RUNNNN!!

So it not that much but that coupled with my new years resolutions. Yea major brain explosion.
Mummy: Is she going to make it doc?
Doctor: No im sorry all that thinking his completley melted her brain.
Me: Awwww Shit!

So seeya later. Make sure to make the best out of everyday because you can never get it back.
Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO