Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hey guys what are y'all doing? Omg how funny would a southern accent and an australian accent sound? It'd be like attack of the country!!! AHHHHH LEG IT!!!! Yes, well that was weird XD
Vincent: You're going crazy, I told you.
Me: SHUT UP!! Its the medicine I tell ya, the medicine -hides-
Vincent to the peeps with the needles: Yes, thats her hiding under the table.

Soooo, now that the crazy part is over. Or is it? Nahhh just jokin im all crazied out XD If thats even possible. Oh shut up Katana stop laughing XD. Hehehehehehe anyhoo. This post is about being sick. I just wanted to know if you guys hated being sick as much as I do? Because I am currently in bed, with the blankets pulled up and everything, with the biggest headache ever and I seriously wished I had a punching bag hehehehehe. But how are you posting when you're so sick Lorelai? You may ask. Well the answer is. Drumroll sounddddddddddddddd. <--- lame XD. Well im posting because I have super awesome posting abilities. I am the posting Goddess. Ooooo I want to be the goddess of posting, anime and bishis. Thank you holy godess creator hehehehe. Yea so I am the goddess of posting, aint that fantasmagorical!! hehehe or maybe im just super bored. Hmmm I think the latter is more quickly. Geez way to go and crush my dreams XD
Me: Vincent, they were mean to meeeeeeeeeeee T.T
Vincent: Did you call yourself a goddess again?
Me: Maayybbeee, what it to ya?
Vincent: Baka.
Me: Hey I know what that means now XD

Omg im so sad right now. I went looking for some chocolate but we didn't have any so my mummy had to give me chocolate milk XD Its just not the same hehehehehe

Luv Lorelai Rose XOXO

1 comment:

  1. lolZ how did u know i would be laughinf....did vincent tell u!!!!!?????lolz
